# **HLFF Inspiring Minds**
**[MCI Management Center Innsbruck](https://www.mci.edu/en/imprint)**\
**Internationale Hochschule GmbH**\
Universitaetsstrasse 15\
6020 Innsbruck, Austria
UID: ATU43480005\
Commercial register no: FN 153700f, Higher Innsbruck Court\
MCI-Management Center Innsbruck - Internationale Hochschule GmbH is tax privileged pursuant to Art 4a subpara 1e of the Austrian Income Tax Law (EStG 1988) as amended.\
Information pursuant to § 5 E-Commerce Act (ECG) and § 25 Media Act (MedienG)\
**Business purpose**
* Science & Research
* University and adult education at a scientific level
* Education, further education, training, research and development, knowledge and know-how transfer
* Operation and maintenance of a Management Center Tyrol or Innsbruck as an integral part of the overall "open university" project in Innsbruck and at other locations as a generally-accessible academic education and training institution in a supra-regional and international context
* Other activities serving the above mentioned corporate purpose, including participation in companies with the same or similar corporate purpose
Peter J. Mirski\
Phone: +43 512 2070 - 3500\
Email address: [welcome@hlff-inspiringminds.org](mailto:welcome@hlff-inspiringminds.org)
### In collaboration with:
**[Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation](https://www.heidelberg-laureate-forum.org/imprint.html)**\
Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33\
69118 Heidelberg, Germany
Ruth Wetzlar\
Phone: +49 6221 533 - 380\
Email address: [welcome@hlff-inspiringminds.org](mailto:welcome@hlff-inspiringminds.org)